Ada County Operations
Ada County Operations
Home > Major Projects > Current Fiscal Year (Oct 1-Sept 30) > Juvenile Boise LED Lighting Upgrade

Juvenile Boise LED Lighting Upgrade

Locations:  Juvenile Court Services
6300 West Denton St. 
Boise, Idaho 83704

Completion Date: August 2015

Project Profile
Download Project Profile (pdf)

Project Cost:  $21,590
Utility Incentives:  $5,321
Annual Savings:  47,681 kWh

The purpose of this project is to upgrade the exterior lighting and selected interior fixtures at the Juvenile Court Services facility with energy-efficient LED lighting. The goal is to control costs by purchasing the LED lamps and fixtures needed for the project and use qualified in-house County staff for the installation.

Ada County is committed to minimizing its impact on the environment by operating buildings efficiently and using lighting effectively. Ada County will only purchase lighting products that meet our specifications, in order to provide a safe and functional facility in the most economical and environmentally friendly manner.

  • Replaced 52 exterior wall packs including 70w to 150w high-pressure sodium, 100w to 250w metal halides, and 175w mercury vapor lights with LED lights ranging from 13 to 40 watts per lamp
  • Upgraded 400-watt parking lot pole lights with 280 watts LED lights
  • Upgraded indoor gymnasium T8 lamps with long-lasting LED lights
  •  Improve lighting and increase safety
  • Reduce energy costs
  • Longer lamp life reduces risks and staff time spent replacing lights
  • New lamps last 5-10 times longer – from 10,000 hours for the wall packs to 50,000 hours with the LED upgrades
  • New parking lot lights rated at 100,000hours which equates to 11 years of continuous use

Ada County Operations
Scott Williams, Director

Selena O’Neal, Energy Specialist
Telephone: (208) 287-7100