Ada County Landfill
Ada County Landfill
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Landfill Safety and Rules

Rules for Everyone

Traffic Safety is a part of everyday life at the landfill. There are private vehicles, commercial haulers, county vehicles, and various types of heavy equipment that are running on landfill roads. To ease traffic congestion and to maintain safety there are signs strategically placed throughout the landfill campus. Following these signs ensures vehicular safety.

Securing your load is another important part of vehicular safety. With an improperly secured load, there is a probability of losing some or part of, your load. When loads are unsecured debris is left on the road, keeping your waste from its ultimate destination at the landfill, littering the roads and polluting Ada County’s environment.

Ada County Employees are present in all areas of the landfill. Their primary function is to ensure the safety of all customers and contractors who use the landfill. All patrons must follow the directive of the Ada County employees.

Rules for Customers

In addition to vehicle safety on landfill property, there are other rules that are critical to the efficacy and safety of the landfill.

Small children and pets are welcome at the landfill, however, it is imperative that they remain in the vehicle and not exit for any reason while unloading waste.

Scavenging is strictly prohibited at the Ada County Landfill. Scavenging can include but is not limited to: removing any item that is put into the landfill; removing any item from the recycling areas; removing items from the Household Hazardous Waste Facility that is not on the recycling shelf; removing any item that is the property of or part of the Ada County Landfill.

Rules for Contractors

Safety gear is to be worn at all times, including appropriate footwear and bright safety vests with reflective tape.

Contractor drivers are to obey posted signs and Landfill personnel at all times.

Safety is the top priority of the Ada County Landfill. To ensure that everyone is able to use the landfill there are rules and regulations that the Board of Ada County Commissioners have put into place.

The rules and regulations of the Ada County Landfill are in place to ensure that the landfill is open to everyone who needs to dispose of their wastes and hazardous materials.

Secure Your Load

It is important that every load that is coming to the landfill is secured properly. Failure to properly secure your load can cause your load to be lost on the road, leaving the road littered. The potential for damage to other vehicles and the potential for an accident is increased. If cleanup is required after losing your load you can be billed for the cleanup of the load. Additionally, Ada County Sheriff routinely monitors the road to the landfill. If you are detected without a secured load you can be cited.

The Ada County Landfill recommends that every load be secured.

How to Ensure Your Load Securely

  • For smaller items, such as leaves, tree branches, and general household waste covering your load with a tarp and rope will keep your load secure
  • For larger items, such as furniture, refrigerators and other large items securing them with rope to the trailer or pickup is crucial in getting the load to the landfill

The Ada County Landfill recommends that every load be secured.

Landfill Traffic Patterns

Traffic patterns at the landfill are clearly marked. Contractors and clients have different entrances and ways of accessing the landfill. Customers will proceed, up the hill, to the scale house. Each vehicle is weighed upon entering the landfill. Depending on the type of waste that is being brought in will determine which way each vehicle goes. It is imperative that all vehicles obey the posted signs and landfill personnel at all times.

For visitors going to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility, the turn to go to the Facility is before the scale house.

Current Conditions

During the winter months, 4 Wheel Drive is often advised. Check our website daily for recommendations.


Ada County Landfill
(208) 577-4725