Ada County Elections
Home > Work at the Polls

Work at the Polls

Prospective Poll Workers

Thank you pictureElections are a community endeavor and offer many opportunities for folks to get involved.

One way to help your community on Election Day is to sign up to be a poll worker.

Poll workers are individuals who work at the polling places on Election Day.

They are a critical part of the election process and play a vital role in making sure everything runs smoothly for voters.

Each election requires over 1,000 workers to operate 150 voting precincts, early voting sites, and Election Central.

If you are civic-minded and would like to commit your time to participate in democracy, we invite you to work with us.

Poll workers earn $125 for a full day.


  • Mandatory training
  • At least 17 years of age
  • U.S. Citizen
  • Transportation to and from polls

Hours of operation are from 7 am to 9 pm. Poll workers must be able to read and write English.

You have to follow detailed instructions.

Be able to lift 20 lbs., move about the polling place and maintain composure under stress.

To become a poll worker, please complete and submit the Poll Worker Application.

Once you submit your application you will receive an email from Ada County Elections confirming you have been added to the list of available workers.