Ada County Elections
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Voters with Disabilities

We believe every vote counts and that voting should be accessible for everyone. Ada County Elections is committed to serving voters in our community who have disabilities. If you need extra help at the polls, just ask one of our team members.

Voting Assistance

Each polling place in Ada County has a voter assistance terminal to help voters who may have a hard time seeing or marking their ballot. This terminal allows you to vote independently and privately. If you have a difficult time reading the ballot, you may use headphones to listen to an audio ballot and make selections via a touch screen or braille keyboard. The terminals also give voters the ability to easily enlarge the size of the ballot and increase the contrast, so it is easier to read. If you happen to make a mistake, you can change your selections or request a new ballot from a poll worker.

If you would rather not use a voter assistance terminal, you may request help from a poll worker or bring someone with you to help. They can read the ballot to you and help you mark your selections.

Curbside Voting

If you have a disability, difficulty standing in line or accessing your polling place, you may ask a poll worker for curbside voting. In this case, your ballot will be brought to you, so you can vote outside the polling place or in your car.

Early Voting

If you would rather not leave your home, you can still make your voice count and vote by mail. Visit our Early Voting page to get all the details.

If you would like more information about Idaho’s commitment to make voting accessible to everyone, please visit the Idaho Secretary of State’s website.