Ada County Elections
Home > Poll Worker Application

Poll Worker Application

  • Becoming a Poll Worker - What's Expected.

    As a poll worker you will help fill a vital role in the democratic process. On Election Day you may be involved in a large variety of tasks from, passing out ballots, checking names, registering voters, assisting voters, to distributing "I voted" stickers. Working at the polls is a very rewarding experience and something you will certainly be proud of. However, there are some important things you should know:

    • Election Day is at least a 14-hour day. We ask all our workers to arrive at 7am and expect that they will be there until the ballots are counted around 9pm.
    • You may need to bring meals for the day. We do not provide meals, however many sites work together to cover meals throughout the day.
    • Election Day may be busy, especially in the evenings. While the majority of the day will be calm, in the evenings long lines may form and you may feel pressure to process voters.
    • We ask that everyone be an eligible voter in the United States.
    • You should be able to help set up materials such as tables and chairs in order to prepare the voting area.
    • Because Elections are so important, we depend on our workers to pay extra attention to detail in their work. Small errors can have significant consequences in this process.
    • You will need to be able to get to and from the polls on Election Day.
    • Finally we encourage that all of our workers request an absentee ballot to vote. You will not be allowed to leave the polling place you are at to vote on Election Day.

    Thank you again for your interest. The Ada County Elections office looks forward to working in partnership with you to help our community vote.