Ada County Elections
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Public Information Requests

public records request folderAda County Elections provides registration database list upon request under the following section of Idaho Code.

Idaho Code 34-437 Furnishing lists of registered electors – Restrictions.

(1) Each of the county clerks, upon receiving a request shall supply to any individual, a current list of the registered electors of the county and their addresses, arranged in groups according to election precincts.

The county clerks shall prepare an original of the above list from the state voter registration system at county expense.

Any person desiring a copy of the original list shall be furnished the same, and the county clerk shall assess the individual an amount which will compensate the county for the cost of reproducing such copy.

(2) No person to whom a list of registered electors is made available or supplied under subsection one (1) of this section and no person who acquires a list of registered electors prepared from such list shall use any information contained therein for the purpose of mailing or delivering any advertisement or offer for any property, establishment, organization, product, or service or for the purpose of mailing or delivering any solicitation for money, services, or anything of value.

Provided, however, that any such lists and label may be used for any political purpose.

Ada County also prints detailed maps of elector districts in Ada County.

Those maps can be found on our website page Maps.

Please contact our office at (208)287-6860 for more information.

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