Ada County Elections
Home > Register to Vote

Register to Vote

Voters affiliated with one of the recognized political parties may change party affiliation.

Please click on the button below if you want to register to vote via mail or in person.
Follow all directions to complete the form and file with the Ada County Elections Office.
You must complete, sign, and return the registration form by mail, or in person to:

Ada County Elections
400 N. Benjamin Ln. Suite 100
Boise, ID 83704

Idaho Votes sticker

Remember: Idaho allows voters to register when they vote on Election Day or at an Early Voting Location.

Online voter registration is now available in Ada County.  If you want to register to vote online, or update your voter registration record on-line
after having moved or changing your name,  please visit Idaho Votes.*

*Please note that you must have a driver’s license or identification card issued by the Idaho Department of Transportation to use the online voter registration application.

For more information, please contact our office at (208) 287-6860
or via e-mail at elections@adacounty.id.gov
To Place a Relay Call
Dial 7-1-1 OR
TTY: 1-800-377-3529

Call the Elections Office to confirm your registration status.

Qualifications to Register:

* You must turn 18 by election day.
* You must be a U.S. citizen.
* Felons may not register until they have completed the terms of their sentence.
* You must have lived in Ada County, Idaho for 30 days prior to registering.
* Provide valid photo identification (State issued ID, tribal card, U.S. passport, or a current student ID).
* You must provide proof of residency (A bank statement, vehicle registration, utility bill etc.).
* You must provide either a State ID number or the last 4 digits of your social security number.