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Property Records FAQ

Where can I find information on



  • We do not process passports at the Recorder’s Office.  You can find locations that offer passports through www.travel.state.gov


Birth and Death Certificates-

Does the Recorder's Office have blank forms available for purchase or use?

We do not have any forms available in the Recorder’s Office. Some office supply stores carry packages of blank forms, and you can contact title companies to get the appropriate forms to record.  Please refer to Idaho Code or Statutes for specific information needed for liens.

Will my property title be sent once my loan is paid off?

The Recorder’s Office does not send any titles or deeds once a loan is paid off, however, if a copy is needed of a title or deed once the document has been recorded, we can provide that.  The fee for a copy is $1.00 per page.  If a certified copy is needed, an additional $1.00 will be added to the total cost of the copies.

How does the Recorder's Office accept Documents?

The Recorder’s Office accepts original documents for recording in three ways:

  • In person- Customers may come into the Recorder’s Office (located at 200 W Front St., Boise, ID 83702) between the hours of 08:00 am and 05:00 pm to record documents.  Any document recorded in person will be returned during the transaction.
  • Mail- Customers may mail a document or request for copies to the above-listed address.  If mailing anything into our office, please include the appropriate fees and a self-addressed envelope for returning of your document.
  • eRecording- eRecording is available through title companies or by contacting the provider directly.  The Recorder’s Office accepts documents from the following providers:
    eRecording Partners Network (EPN)
    CSC eRecording
    Indecomm eRecording

What are the hours of Recording

The Recorder’s Office is open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (MST) Monday through Friday. Documents will be recorded in person until 5:00 pm, however, to allow sufficient time to finish processing documents in a timely manner, eRecording stops accepting submissions at 4:55 pm (MST). The Recorder’s Office is closed on Federal Holidays and weekends.