Ada County Assessor's Office
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Land Records FAQ

How do I find out who owns of a parcel of land?

Primary owner information can be found on our Land Records property system website.

How do I change my mailing address?

A change of address form is available in our Documents and Forms web page. The form can be emailed, mailed, faxed or hand delivered to our office. You can also get the form, and assistance filling it out, at the Assessor’s Office in the Ada County courthouse.

There is incorrect information on my assessment notice, how can I have it corrected?

If you feel there is an error on your notice, please contact your appraiser directly at the phone number listed on your assessment notice.

What information should appear on a recorded document to transfer my property?

Grantor (Seller): Current ownership, exactly as it was acquired.

Grantee (Buyer): Name and mailing address as it should appear in our records.

Legal Description:

Platted Lots: Lot, Block, and Subdivision Name (exactly as it was recorded).

Unplatted Lots: A metes and bounds description of the property.

If you have any questions about the requirements, please call our office at (208) 287-7262.

How do I add my spouse to the existing title of my property?

A new deed should be prepared and recorded with the County Recorder’s Office with you as the Grantor, using your name exactly as you acquired title to the property. The Grantee will have both your name and your spouse’s name as you would like for it to appear in our records.

I have recently married, how do I change my name on the title of my property?

You will need to record a new deed using your former name, as you acquired title, as the Grantor and your new name as the Grantee. A marriage license cannot be used to change the name on the title.

I am recently divorced, how do I remove my former spouse’s name from the title of my property?

Your divorce decree should state how the property is to be conveyed.

~ If the decree states that you were awarded the property, it may be possible to use the decree to remove the former spouse’s name from the property. It is always wise to consult your attorney if you have any questions concerning the decree.

~ The decree may state that you will need to record a deed to convey the property. Check with your attorney to see if a deed has been prepared for the transaction. Please remember that the Grantor on the new document must be exactly as it was when you acquired title to the property.

My spouse passed away, what do I need to do to update the ownership records?

If there was no will at the time of death, the surviving spouse can fill out an affidavit, provided by our office, and record a death certificate for the deceased spouse. If there was a will in effect at the time of death, there may be other requirements to remove the name of the spouse from our record. If a community property agreement was recorded, all that is required to remove the deceased spouse is a copy of the death certificate to be filed with the recorders office. For more information and assistance, you can contact our office at (208) 287-7262 or the Ada County Court Assistance Office at (208) 287-6963. You can also find more information on the Court Assistance web page, Ada County Court Assistance.

Where can I get a description of my property that shows the dimensions and boundaries?

If your property is a platted lot, you can get a copy of your subdivision plat from our online Property Info and Mapping or at the Land Records counter in the Assessor’s Office. If your property is not platted, you can obtain a copy of your deed of acquisition from the Recorder’s Office. If you need assistance determining the exact location of your property boundaries, you will need to have a survey by a licensed land surveyor.

Where can I get a copy of a subdivision plat or a survey?

You can get a copy of your subdivision plat from our Online Property Info and Mapping or at the Land Records counter in the Assessor’s Office.

How do I split, combine, or adjust my property boundaries?

You will need to contact the appropriate city Planning and Zoning Division or Ada County Development Services to determine the procedure you will need to follow. The Assessor’s Office requires that a new deed to be recorded with the new legal description for the parcel.

How do I get my property surveyed?

You will need to contact a licensed land surveyor. A list of local land surveyors can be found in the phone book. More information can be found on the website of the Idaho Society of Professional Land Surveyors.

I had a survey done and it was recorded. Do I still have to record a deed to adjust the property boundary to match the survey?

The recording of a survey does not convey ownership, change property boundaries or create new Assessor’s tax parcel numbers. A deed with the new metes and bounds or the narrative property description must be recorded for the Assessor’s Office to make any changes in ownership or create new tax parcels.

Can your office help me with an easement question?

The Ada County Assessor’s office does not track easements. For easement information and/or location we suggest you contact a title company or a licensed land surveyor.

Why don’t my property boundaries match my fences on the Ada County mapping website?

The Ada County Assessor’s Office makes every effort to publish and maintain the most current and accurate information possible. The parcel map is created from data compiled from official records and is created for assessment purposes only. The map does NOT represent a professional survey and has been created as a geographic reference for assessment purposes. The user acknowledges and accepts all inherent limitations of the map. Due to the dynamic nature of the map, it is continually being updated as documents are recorded and all changes may not yet be depicted in the map.