Ada County Sheriff

» Electronic Monitoring

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Electronic Monitoring

House Arrest

House arrest, or Electronic Monitoring (EM), is done through the utilization Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) and cellular technology to monitor a participant’s whereabouts. Participants are restricted to their residence for the entirety of their court-ordered criminal sentence. Participants are continuously monitored to ensure they are not leaving their residence with the exception of court-ordered appointments.

Eligibility requirements for the EM program

  • Participants must be court-ordered to “All Options” or House Arrest.
  • Participation for medically disabled individuals is determined at the discretion of the Ada County Sheriff’s Office.

* Documentation of medical hardship may be required for acceptance into the program.

* A co-habitant waiver form must be signed by any adult living with the participant.

* Participants are subject to home checks.

* All participants are subject to random drug and alcohol tests at the participant’s expense.

  • Participants must provide documentation and obtain approval for any medical or court appointments to leave the house.


* The House Arrest fee is $25 per day, plus the $8 daily cost of electronic monitoring.

* Participants with sentence of 30 days or less must pay the ACSO fees prior to starting the program. Participants with a sentence of more than 30 days must pay the ACSO fee 30 days in advance.