Ada County Sheriff

» Community Service

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Community Service

The Sheriff’s Community Service Program allows participants to complete their sentence in the community, while also allowing them to maintain employment and family obligations.

Community service sentences are measured in hours, not days. Court sentences can be converted from days to hours if approved by the Court. Unless specified by the courts, one day can be converted to eight hours of community service.

It is up to the participant to coordinate with the assigned location to schedule community service hours. Participants are required to complete a minimum of 20 hours a month until the sentence is complete.

Eligibility requirements for the Sheriff’s Community Service Program:

  • Participants must be court-ordered to “All Options” or Community Service.
  • Participants must serve at one of the approved Sheriff’s Community Service providers.
  • The Sheriff’s Community Service providers set their own restrictions. Participants may not qualify for community service depending on their charge.
  • If part of an “All Options” sentence, participants must have less than 80 hours of community service and can’t have more than two convictions.
  • Participants are not eligible if they have prior removals from the community service program.


  • Participants must pay $25 a month.
  • Participants must pay the Ada County Risk Management fee of $0.60 per hour.