Ada County Sheriff

» Interim Jail Time

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Interim Jail Time

The Interim Release Program (IR), also known as “weekend jail,” allows participants to serve their sentence at the Work Release Center 2-to-3 days a week. Participants are required to serve consecutive weeks until the sentence is complete.

Eligibility requirements for the Interim Jail Program:

  • Participants must be court-ordered to “All Options” or Interim Release.
  •  Participants must not be sentenced to more than 30 days.
  • Each week participants must serve the same 2-to-3 days in a row until their sentence is complete.
  • Participants are unable to complete sentence in the Sheriff’s Labor Detail program, and their work situation is better suited for Interim Jail than Work Release, or their family life situation does not allow for the participant to be away from home for more than two days at a time (custody, child care, etc …)


  • Participants must pay all fees prior to the assigned start date.
  • The rate is $25 a day, with a one-time administrative fee of $25.