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VitalRide Ambulance Membership Logo

Protect Yourself, Your Loved Ones with Vital Ride

In the event you’ve not yet heard about Ada County Paramedics Vital Ride Ambulance Memberships—here’s a brief overview about how it works, why we created it, and why it’s important you and your loved ones are enrolled. Over 28,000 people called 911 in Ada County last year. The average ambulance bill can cost $1,500 or

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Top 10 Reasons YOU Need a VitalRide Ambulance Membership

Written By: Hadley Mayes For Ada County Paramedics No one wants to think too much about having an emergency and needing to call 911—but the scary reality is 1 in 18 Ada County residents did last year. That’s a huge number. And unfortunately, due to rising costs in medical equipment and care, another huge number

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You Know You’re a Paramedic When…

Written By: Chris Shandera For Ada County Paramedics Working as a paramedic or an EMT can be a stressful yet very rewarding endeavor. Maintaining a healthy sense of humor is one way we cope with the difficult situations we frequently encounter. Take a walk in our shoes while reading this blog… but don’t forget we

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Ada County Paramedics Logo

11 Things We’ve Been Up To

The past few months at Ada County Paramedics have been a whirlwind! Here are some of the things we’ve been working on: 1. Hiring a Marketing Coordinator 2. Updating our slogan to “We’re in it for Life!” 3. Giving the Ada County Paramedics website a face lift 4. Renaming our ambulance membership program “VitalRide” and

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