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Remember Yourself During National Emotional Wellness Month

By: Ada County Paramedics When life gets busy, and let’s admit it’s pretty much always is, we sometimes neglect ourselves in the process. This can be by way of unhealthy eating, (Big Macs are on the food pyramid somewhere, right?) not getting enough sleep, or neglecting our emotional wellness. Now before I lose you on

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Ada County Paramedics Contest Winner Announced!

After a scary 46-car pileup on I-84 earlier this month, we decided to hold a Facebook contest for a roadside safety kit. The response was overwhelming and the contest engagement was great. After the week-long contest, our contest post was shared 2,692 times. We drew one winner from all posts shared, and lucky Sydni Brae

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Top 5 Wonderful Superfoods You Should Try!

Written by Hadley Mayes For Ada County Paramedics You may have heard the new “superfood” lingo thrown around now and again. Not only does it conjure images of blueberries in superman capes (ok, maybe that’s just me)—but these nutrient-rich foods are believed to pack added health benefits. In case you haven’t gotten your superfoods in

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Top 5 Ways to Get Healthy This Spring

Written By: Rebecca McGee I’m constantly trying to keep my family as healthy as I can, which isn’t always easy working full time at Ada County Paramedics, being wife, and being a mother to an 18-month-old and a preschooler. Here are some ideas I’ve incorporated into our family and tips I’ve found online to help

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Top 10 Reasons YOU Need a VitalRide Ambulance Membership

Written By: Hadley Mayes For Ada County Paramedics No one wants to think too much about having an emergency and needing to call 911—but the scary reality is 1 in 18 Ada County residents did last year. That’s a huge number. And unfortunately, due to rising costs in medical equipment and care, another huge number

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Being a Female Paramedic: Saving Lives “Like a Girl”

Written By: Rachel Satterwhite For Ada County Paramedics When I started my career in Emergency Medical Services (EMS), I remember one of my instructors saying I would likely have an advantage as a female. His statement initially perplexed me. He then elaborated, explaining he thinks patients tend to trust female paramedics more easily. I thought

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