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Top 6 Ways You Can Help a Paramedic Save YOUR Life

Written By Chris Shandera For Ada County Paramedics Each year Ada County Paramedics respond to tens of thousands of emergency calls all over Ada County. In this post you will learn 6 ways you can help us help you or a loved one during an emergency. 1. Pull to the right when you see an

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Top 10 Things I Learned My First Year As a Paramedic

Written By: Ryan Hutt For Ada County Paramedics Being a “new guy/gal” at an emergency medical service (EMS) agency can be a rough experience. Not only do you have to learn new policies and protocols, but you have to simultaneously find a niche in your new medical world. Through the good and bad, a new

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Top 5 Ways to Make a Patient Comfortable During an Emergency

Written By: Dina Hardaway For Ada County Paramedics Webster defines comfort as ” a sense of physical or psychological ease. To give strength and hope, to cheer, ease grief or trouble.” Working in the medical field, more specifically, in pre-hospital emergency medicine for Ada County Paramedics, is incredibly rewarding, yet a crucial phase in the

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Four Words of Paramedic Wisdom

Written By: Dina Hardaway For Ada County Paramedics I am honored to be employed by Ada County Paramedics. I have had the privilege to call it my “home away from home” for the past 5 years. I am both a paramedic and a mother to five children. The responsibility of both positions can be very

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Being a Female Paramedic: Saving Lives “Like a Girl”

Written By: Rachel Satterwhite For Ada County Paramedics When I started my career in Emergency Medical Services (EMS), I remember one of my instructors saying I would likely have an advantage as a female. His statement initially perplexed me. He then elaborated, explaining he thinks patients tend to trust female paramedics more easily. I thought

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You Know You’re a Paramedic When…

Written By: Chris Shandera For Ada County Paramedics Working as a paramedic or an EMT can be a stressful yet very rewarding endeavor. Maintaining a healthy sense of humor is one way we cope with the difficult situations we frequently encounter. Take a walk in our shoes while reading this blog… but don’t forget we

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