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Say Something. Tell Someone. Take it Seriously.

By: Hadley Mayes for Ada County Paramedics Within the past year Ada County Paramedics lost two of its own employees— to suicide. It’s as difficult to write about, as it is to talk about. As I sit here— I have to admit, in an administrative position with no EMS background, I don’t get it. I

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Ada County Paramedics supporting a cause wearing all red

Cross Your Heart: Top 4 Ways to Protect Your Ticker

By: Ada County Paramedics When you think of February you likely envision heart-shaped chocolate boxes, fragrant rose petals, chubby cupids and of course heart disease. Ok, maybe not the last one. While it may not be at the forefront of your mind, February is the perfect time to reflect on whether you or a loved

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Ada County Paramedics New Year's day logo

New Year, New You: Top 3 Healthiest New Year’s Resolutions

By: Ada County Paramedics If you’re like most people, after all your jingle bells are put away or your menorah is retired to the basement for another year, you’re probably starting to think of a New Year’s resolution. But while some folks keep their New Year commitment, even more end up dropping them like a

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Ada County Paramedics preparing food

Get Cookin’ to Destroy Diabetes

In honor of the American Diabetes Association’s “American Diabetes Month” this November, Ada County paramedic wants to help raise awareness about this prevalent disease. Considering nearly 30 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes and The American Diabetes Association estimates the total national cost of diagnosed diabetes in the United States is

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Remember Yourself During National Emotional Wellness Month

By: Ada County Paramedics When life gets busy, and let’s admit it’s pretty much always is, we sometimes neglect ourselves in the process. This can be by way of unhealthy eating, (Big Macs are on the food pyramid somewhere, right?) not getting enough sleep, or neglecting our emotional wellness. Now before I lose you on

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VitalRide Ambulance Membership Logo

Protect Yourself, Your Loved Ones with Vital Ride

In the event you’ve not yet heard about Ada County Paramedics Vital Ride Ambulance Memberships—here’s a brief overview about how it works, why we created it, and why it’s important you and your loved ones are enrolled. Over 28,000 people called 911 in Ada County last year. The average ambulance bill can cost $1,500 or

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Paramedic giving an shot

Top 5 Flu Season Fallacies

Written by: Hadley Mayes For Ada County Paramedics According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), it’s important to protect your health each year with a flu vaccine. But there are many fallacies that often go hand in hand when discussing this important vaccination. Here’s a list of the top 5 flu season fallacies, compiled

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Top 5 Wonderful Superfoods You Should Try!

Written by Hadley Mayes For Ada County Paramedics You may have heard the new “superfood” lingo thrown around now and again. Not only does it conjure images of blueberries in superman capes (ok, maybe that’s just me)—but these nutrient-rich foods are believed to pack added health benefits. In case you haven’t gotten your superfoods in

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Top 10 Things I Learned My First Year As a Paramedic

Written By: Ryan Hutt For Ada County Paramedics Being a “new guy/gal” at an emergency medical service (EMS) agency can be a rough experience. Not only do you have to learn new policies and protocols, but you have to simultaneously find a niche in your new medical world. Through the good and bad, a new

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Top 5 Ways to Get Healthy This Spring

Written By: Rebecca McGee I’m constantly trying to keep my family as healthy as I can, which isn’t always easy working full time at Ada County Paramedics, being wife, and being a mother to an 18-month-old and a preschooler. Here are some ideas I’ve incorporated into our family and tips I’ve found online to help

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