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Four Words of Paramedic Wisdom

Written By: Dina Hardaway For Ada County Paramedics I am honored to be employed by Ada County Paramedics. I have had the privilege to call it my “home away from home” for the past 5 years. I am both a paramedic and a mother to five children. The responsibility of both positions can be very

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Being a Female Paramedic: Saving Lives “Like a Girl”

Written By: Rachel Satterwhite For Ada County Paramedics When I started my career in Emergency Medical Services (EMS), I remember one of my instructors saying I would likely have an advantage as a female. His statement initially perplexed me. He then elaborated, explaining he thinks patients tend to trust female paramedics more easily. I thought

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You Know You’re a Paramedic When…

Written By: Chris Shandera For Ada County Paramedics Working as a paramedic or an EMT can be a stressful yet very rewarding endeavor. Maintaining a healthy sense of humor is one way we cope with the difficult situations we frequently encounter. Take a walk in our shoes while reading this blog… but don’t forget we

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Marc, getting a shot ready to give someone

4 Signs the Role of “Paramedic” is Changing

Written By: Mark Babson For Ada County Paramedics The evolving role and responsibility of a “paramedic” is a concept that has been popular all over the world for years. Recently however, this concept has been taking hold here in the United States. While in the past, a “paramedic” was thought to be one who only

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Paramedic playing in the snow with his kids

Top 7 Things I’ve Learned as a Paramedic’s Wife

Written By: Rebecca McGee For Ada County Paramedics It’s not always easy being a paramedic’s wife. One day you may laugh, another, cry, and sometimes you do both at the same time. He has now been a medic for eight years and I have been an MRI technologist, stay at home mom (to our two

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Ada County Paramedics Logo

11 Things We’ve Been Up To

The past few months at Ada County Paramedics have been a whirlwind! Here are some of the things we’ve been working on: 1. Hiring a Marketing Coordinator 2. Updating our slogan to “We’re in it for Life!” 3. Giving the Ada County Paramedics website a face lift 4. Renaming our ambulance membership program “VitalRide” and

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