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Ada County Paramedics’ Top 7 Solar Eclipse Safety Tips

Ada County Paramedics Solar Eclipse

If you’re like numerous other Ada County residents, you’re likely participating in the solar eclipse viewing. While this phenomenon is certainly not something to be missed, Ada County Paramedics wants to remind Ada County residents to be safe while watching the solar show. Here are a few tips we’ve come up with to help keep you and your eyes safe!

Ada County Paramedics’ Solar Eclipse Safety Tips

  1. Ada County Paramedics is reminding those who will be enjoying the eclipse to never look directly at it without wearing protective eclipse-specific safety glasses.
  2. Standard dark sunglasses/shades will not protect your eyes. Nor will viewing the eclipse through camera lenses, telescopes, binoculars, etc.
  3. Looking directly at the eclipse can result in a very serious retina burn, which can cause blindness.
  4. Retina burns are particularly dangerous because unlike a standard sunburned tissue, the retina is made of tissue incapable of regenerating or healing.
  5. NASA recommends all solar eclipse viewing glasses are designated with an “ISO 12312-2” international standard. Check your glasses for this code information and contact the manufacturer for more details.
  6. Do not use solar eclipse glasses if they are ripped, torn or wrinkled.
  7. If you believe you have burned or injured your eyes after viewing the eclipse, call 911 immediately.

Above everything, Ada County Paramedics wants you to stay safe while watching today’s amazing show in the sky! Enjoy!