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Remember Yourself During National Emotional Wellness Month

By: Ada County ParamedicsAda County Paramedics

When life gets busy, and let’s admit it’s pretty much always is, we sometimes neglect ourselves in the process. This can be by way of unhealthy eating, (Big Macs are on the food pyramid somewhere, right?) not getting enough sleep, or neglecting our emotional wellness. Now before I lose you on the last one, let’s explore what emotional wellness is.

According to the American Psychological Association website “Stress can take a toll on our physical health… by understanding how stress impacts our health and what steps we can take to stay emotionally balanced, we can lay the foundation of complete wellness.” Emotional wellness is essentially, being in tune with your thoughts and feelings and exploring, rather than becoming stressed or frustrated by them.

In honor of October’s “National Emotional Wellness Month,” Ada County Paramedics drafted a short quiz to help you evaluate your own emotional wellness. Simply answer yes or no.

  1. Am I able to balance work, family, friends and other obligations?
  2. Is there something I can I do to decrease stress in my life?
  3. Am I able to make decisions without feeling stress and worrying too much about the outcome?
  4. Am I able to easily set my daily priorities?

If you answered “no” to any of the above—this may indicate a part of your life you need to reflect on to ensure your emotional wellness is in check. So take some time today and consider how your thoughts, actions and day-to-day stresses may be affecting your emotional wellness. After all, you only have one “you.” Make it the best, healthiest “you” possible.


If you begin feeling higher levels of stress or anxiety call the local Mobile Crisis Unit in Ada, Boise and Elmore County areas, at 334-0808, or 1-800-424-0292. The Mobile Crisis hotline is open 24/7 and can assist with anything from getting a doctor appointment scheduled, to helping with issues like self-harm. If you feel like you may be in immediate danger, please call 911.