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Top 5 Wonderful Superfoods You Should Try!

Written by Hadley Mayes

Ada County Paramedics love their superfoods!
Photo courtesy of Deviantart

For Ada County Paramedics

You may have heard the new “superfood” lingo thrown around now and again. Not only does it conjure images of blueberries in superman capes (ok, maybe that’s just me)—but these nutrient-rich foods are believed to pack added health benefits. In case you haven’t gotten your superfoods in today, here are 5 you may want to sink your teeth into sooner than later:

 1. Quinoa

How the heck do you say that anyway? Quinoa, pronounced “Keen- Wah,” is a delicious protein-rich side dish that is quickly taking the place of standard rice dishes for good reasons. Not only is quinoa just 223 calories for a cup, but it yields 8 grams of protein. The consistency is like that of not-so-fine cream of wheat, and you can either eat it like oatmeal for breakfast, use it to whip up a cold salad, or serve it hot. Here’s one of our favorite quinoa recipes.

 2. Blueberries

These little plum-colored gems are not only sweet and delicious, but they contain natural compounds believed to protect the brain’s memory-carrying cells. Pop some of these in your mouth a few times a week and you could go from “I can’t remember,” to “Let me tell you about a time when…”

 3. Dark Chocolate

Now that I have your attention… yes, it’s true. So long as it’s eaten in moderation and you select it wisely, you may just lower your blood pressure from snacking on this dark cocoa treat. Be sure to choose a dark chocolate that is about 70 percent cacoa or more. And no cheating—milk chocolate doesn’t count!

 4. Sardines

Ok, while some people might cringe at the thought—we happen to love these salty little morsels. Toss a few on your Cesar salad, chop them up and add them to your soup broth or throw a handful on top of your next flatbread pizza. Sardines contain just as much heart-healthy omega 3 fat as salmon and they’re super affordable. Get it? “super affordable?” Plus, if you buy the canned version with bones, you’ll get an extra helping of calcium. Sardines do a body good!

 5. Dragonfruit

The actual name of this purple and green cactus is pitaya. Not only is it gorgeous to look at, but some believe it can help with diabetes. While we always recommend a healthily-monitored diet and medication, if necessary for diabetes, we do think this pretty-pink showstopper is worth its weight in antioxidants alone. Snack on it often enough, and it could even help you stave off colds. Dragonfruit is chalk-full of vitamin C, has almost zero cholesterol and is even said to help with digestive issues.

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