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Top 10 Reasons YOU Need a VitalRide Ambulance Membership

Written By: Hadley MayesVitalRide Ambulance Membership

For Ada County Paramedics

No one wants to think too much about having an emergency and needing to call 911—but the scary reality is 1 in 18 Ada County residents did last year. That’s a huge number. And unfortunately, due to rising costs in medical equipment and care, another huge number you might see is the resulting ambulance bill.

Because Ada County Paramedics provides a level of healthcare, in transit to the ER, that so closely mirrors the initial care you would receive in the hospital, ambulance bills can be upwards of $1,500. Our VitalRide Ambulance Members pay a small membership fee (starting at just $5 a month), then when they call 911 the majority don’t pay ONE cent out of pocket—and if their insurance won’t chip in, they’ll never pay more than $100. Not convinced? Here are 10 other reasons you need to enroll in VitalRide today.

1. A VitalRide Ambulance Membership only costs $60 a year! That’s just 5 bucks a month. Cheap!

2. ONE membership covers your entire family.*

3. If you enroll in a 5-year VitalRide Ambulance Membership, you’ll get one year free.

4. Joining VitalRide helps us give back to you! Your membership dues allow us to provide the highest level of care by helping fund our training, keeping us up on the latest life-saving advances in medicine– which is good for you.

5. VitalRide Ambulance Memberships can be purchased as a gift. Giving your loved ones the gift of health and peace of mind is priceless.

6. Some insurance providers won’t cover ambulance transport at all, and insurance providers who do, often expect you to pick up a large portion of the bill. Without a VitalRide membership, even if your insurance is great, you might still be responsible for hundreds of dollars. VitalRide bridges this gap.

7. On average, everyone in Ada County will take at least 2 ambulance rides in their lifetime. Without a VitalRide membership, that means you’d pay around $3,000. Yikes.

8. If you sign up for a lifetime VitalRide Ambulance Membership, you get a free, scheduled in-home visit from one of our Community Paramedics. They’ll help you with anything from your medication needs to your nutritional goals.

9. You can enroll online right now!

10.  And finally, our VitalRide members receive exclusive VIP discounted offers from great, local businesses like Axiom, Shu’s Idaho Running Company and even “sweet” deals from local cake pop company CakeBallers. Yum.

*One VitalRide Ambulance Membership covers everyone claimed on the member’s taxes.