» Volunteer Board Information & Applications

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Volunteer Board Information & Applications

Volunteer Board Information / Current Openings



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1 Seat Currently Open – Accepting Applications Until Filled
(Interested parties always encouraged to apply)

The seven-member Board of Community Guardians works to actively recruit and monitor volunteers interested in becoming court-appointed Community Guardians. The Board of Community Guardians meets the first Thursday of each month to perform the duties and functions listed in the board’s by-laws.

A court-appointed Guardian acts as a surrogate decision-maker in personal matters for individuals who cannot make decisions for themselves because of mental and/or physical impairments or disabilities. In most cases, court-appointed Guardians are family members or friends of the person needing assistance. However, for indigent individuals who do not have family or friends willing or capable of performing Guardian duties, the court will appoint a volunteer from Ada County’s Community Guardian program.

Ada County receives referrals to the Board of Community Guardians, and the board reviews each application to determine whether the applicant meets the criteria needed for indigent oversight. The case is then turned over to a Guardian, who ensures their clients have basic necessities such as clean clothes, food, access to transportation, adequate medical care, and a safe place to live. Volunteers appointed to serve on the Ada County Board of Community Guardians will oversee the services Guardians provide, and will be tasked with actively recruiting additional Guardians into the program.

Ada County residents interested in serving on this board are asked to fill out a volunteer board application, available on the Web or at the Ada County Commissioners Office. The Commissioners Office is located on the third floor of the Ada County Courthouse at 200 W. Front Street, Boise, 83702. The application is available in PDF format at the link at the top of this page.


All Seats Currently Filled
(Interested parties always encouraged to apply)

The Ada County Building Board of Appeals consists of five (5) members who meet on an as-needed basis. Four (4) members shall be structural engineers, architects or general contractors; however, no more than two (2) members will be chosen out of the same category. The fifth Board Member shall be a lay member of the public.

The purpose of the Ada County Building Board of Appeals is to hear and rule on appeals or orders, decisions or determinations made by the Building Official. Interested persons may submit an application from the PDF format link at the top of this page.


All Seats Currently Filled
(Interested parties always encouraged to apply)

The Emergency Medical Service Advisory Board is a nine (9) member board that advises the Director of Ada County Paramedics and the Board of County Commissioners on matters related to Emergency Medical Services, including long-range strategic planning.

The Ada County Emergency Medical Service Advisory Board meets five (5) times per year on Wednesday evenings and other times as needed. An appointed member of the Board must reside in Ada County. Interested persons may submit an application from the PDF format link at the top of this page.


Application period closed
(Interested parties always encouraged to apply)

The purpose of this seven (7) member Board is to serve in an advisory capacity regarding recommendations to the Ada County Commissioners in areas related to county parks, recreational opportunities, public recreation trails, and open space identification and preservation.

Qualified volunteers must be residents of Ada County and have a passion for recreation facilities management, public trails development and open space preservation. Board members should also have good working knowledge of Ada County’s Comprehensive Plan and understand how its guiding principles impact current and future parks and trails operations and open space preservation throughout Ada County.

Volunteer board members serve at the pleasure of the Ada County Commissioners and are asked to serve staggering three (3) year terms. Advisory board members meet on the third Wednesday of each month at noon. Interested persons may submit an application from the PDF format link at the top of this page.


All Seats Currently Filled
(Interested parties always encouraged to apply)

The primary goal of the seven (7) member Ada County Planning and Zoning Commission is to ensure development within Ada County conforms to the County’s planning and zoning ordinances. The Board meets twice per month on Thursday evenings and at other times as needed. Qualified applicants must currently live in and remain in Ada County throughout their term, and must have lived in Ada County for at least two (2) years.

Interested persons may submit the specific Planning and Zoning Volunteer Board Application from the PDF format link at the top of this page.


1 Seat Currently Open – Accepting Applications Until Filled
(Interested parties always encouraged to apply)

The Ada County Board of Commissioners is currently seeking qualified individuals who are interested in volunteering their time to serve on the seven (7) member committee. Committee members serve in an advisory capacity and meet on the second Wednesday of each month to discuss all aspects associated with mosquito control programs within Ada County. Committee members may also be asked to perform other duties and functions as required by the Ada County Weed, Pest, and Mosquito Advisory Committee’s by-laws.

Appointees to the advisory committee must be a residential property owner in Ada County and a registered voter. Committee members are appointed to serve four-year terms. Interested persons may submit an application from the PDF format link at the top of this page.


All Seats Currently Filled
(Interested parties always encouraged to apply)
The mission of the Ada County Air Quality Board is “To ensure the vitality of the Treasure Valley air-shed through enforcement of vehicle emissions testing in North Ada County and through education efforts across the valley, emphasizing the importance of air quality to our overall health and economy. The Board typically meets once per month, but at times may meet every other month. Board members must live in Ada County.

Interested persons may submit an application from the PDF format link at the top of this page.


Application period closed
(Interested parties always encouraged to apply)

The Boise City/Ada County Housing Authority Board meets the second Wednesday of each month and performs other duties and functions as required by the agency’s by-laws and by regulations of the Authority.

Interested persons may submit an application from the PDF format link at the top of this page.


All Seats Currently Filled
(Interested parties always encouraged to apply)
The Board of Ada County Commissioners is seeking a volunteer to serve on the Ada County Historic Preservation Council. Applicants should be individuals interested in local history, either personally or professionally and be willing to serve for a term of three (3) years. Professional experience in the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, archeology, or other historic preservation-related discipline is desired, but not required.

The nine-member Council conducts a one-hour meeting at noon on the first Tuesday of every month. Council-sponsored events are occasionally held on weekends and evenings throughout the year, and prospective Council members will be expected to attend some, but not all, such events. Council members also volunteer to serve on subcommittees that focus on specific tasks or issues which require additional meetings and can involve group and individual tasks and projects.

The Council promotes historic preservation in a variety of ways: through public outreach and education, by helping to nominate private and public properties for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places, by participating in various land use planning processes, by helping with fund raising for specific preservation projects, and by recommending enactment of policies and ordinances intended to protect historic properties. Examples of the Council’s past work include: the award-winning book “Patterns of the Past,” the book, “Echoes from the Ada County Courthouse: 1938-2001,” by Arthur A. Hart, the Barns of Ada County poster, and the County Treasures sign program.

This is an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in fostering a sense of pride in the diverse heritage of our community and wishing to help fulfill the Council’s charter of “Preserving Ada County’s Heritage.” Interested applicants may fill out an application at the Ada County Commissioners’ Office, located on the 3rd floor of the Ada County Courthouse at 200 W. Front Street, Boise, 83702. An application may also be submitted from the PDF format link at the top of this page.


Application period closed
(Interested parties always encouraged to apply)
The Western Idaho Fair Advisory Board is a seven (7) member board, with each board member appointed to serve three (3) year terms. The Western Idaho Fair Board meets the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m., and performs other duties and functions as outlined in the board’s by-laws.

Interested persons may also submit an application from the PDF format link at the top of this page. Questions regarding the Western Idaho Fair Advisory Board should be directed to Western Idaho Fair Manager, Bob Batista at (208) 287-5650.

Persons interested in applying for the above positions
may print the form at the link above and
hand-deliver, mail, email, or fax the completed form to:

Board of Ada County Commissioners
Ada County Courthouse
200 West Front Street, Third Floor
Boise, Idaho 83702

Email: BOCC1@adacounty.id.gov 
Fax: (208) 287-7009